What Are The Common Problems During The First Trimester Of Pregnancy?

The first trimester of pregnancy is a crucial stage of pregnancy because it is by this time that the fetus begin to develop. It is important to know about the complications to recognize them early and take the help of specialized care.

Here are some common problems during the first trimester of pregnancy:

  • Hyperemesis gravidarum
    – is a condition with extreme or persistent nausea and vomiting usually worse in the morning. It is one of the most common early sign seen in approximately 3.5/1000 pregnancies. One factor that causes HG is due to the rising of levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), estrogens or both. Treatment may include antiemetics and intravenous rehydration.
  • Constipation– Constipation is a common problem during pregnancy. As many as half of pregnant women get constipated at some point. It is thought to be caused by the muscle contractions that normally move food through your intestines slow down because of higher levels of the hormone progesterone.
  • Heartburn
    During pregnancy, your body produces more of the progesterone hormone which relaxes smooth muscles that can lead to reflux known as heartburn. To prevent this you should eat small frequent meals, avoid spicy and greasy foods.
  • Varicose veins
    develop or are aggravated in pregnancy due to the growing uterus that puts pressure on the pelvic veins.
  • Backache
    it is caused by the hormonal effect of progesterone on ligaments and altered bio-mechanics of spine due to rapid weight gain and aggravates as the pregnancy advances. It can be prevented by teaching mothers to provide back support with pillow while sitting, squat rather than bending over and avoiding high heels.

Viruses And Bacteria Difference – What Is It?

Bacteria are huge unicellular microorganisms. They are typically a few micrometers long and have many shapes including curved rods, spheres, rods, and spirals. While Virus is a sub-microscopic particle (ranging in size from 20–300 nm) that can infect the cells of a biological organism.

What is the difference between viruses and bacteria?

Here is a summary:


  • Living attributes: living organism
  • Number of cells: Unicellular; one cell
  • Structures:  DNA and RNA floating freely in cytoplasm. Cell wall and cell membrane
  • Size: Larger (1000nm)
  • Ribosomes: Present
  • Enzymes: Yes
  • Nucleus: None
  • Can cause disease?: Yes
  • How is it treated?: Antibiotics
  • Beneficial?: Some  are beneficial bacteria (e.g. certain bacteria required in the gut)
  • Reproduction: Fission- a form of asexual reproduction


  • Living attributes: Opinions differ on whether viruses are a form of life, or organic structures that interact with living organisms.
  • Number of cells: No cells; not living
  • Structures: DNA or RNA enclosed inside a coat of protein
  • Size: Smaller (20 – 400nm)
  • Ribosomes: Absent
  • Enzymes: Yes, in some
  • Nucleus: None
  • Can cause disease?: Yes
  • How is it treated?: Vaccines prevent the spread and antiviral medications help to slow reproduction but can not stop it completely.
  • Beneficial?: Viruses are not beneficial. However, a particular virus may be able to destroy brain tumors. Viruses can be useful in genetic engineering.
  • Reproduction: Invades a host cell and takes over the cell causing it to make copies of the viral DNA/RNA. Destroys the host cell releasing new viruses.

Here you will find more information.

Sports Injury Recovery – How It Can Be Done?

Sports injuries are injuries that occur in athletic activities or exercise. Athletes get injured when they are not in proper condition. Not warming up or stretching enough before you play or exercise can also lead to injuries. In order to enhance the recovery of injured tissues, sport injury recovery is needed also known as rehabilitation.


Minor sports injuries

If your injury does not require medical treatment – for example, a mild sprain or other minor muscle or ligament damage – you can treat it at home using RICE therapy.

RICE stands for:

  • Rest – avoid regular exercise and reduce your daily physical activity. Using crutches or a walking stick may help if you cannot put weight on your ankle or knee.
  • Ice – apply an ice pack to the affected area for 10–30 minutes. A bag of frozen peas, or similar, will work well. Wrap the ice pack in a towel to avoid it directly touching your skin and causing ice burn.
  • Compression – use elastic compression bandages to limit swelling.
  • Elevation – keep the injured leg, knee, arm, elbow or wrist raised above the level of the heart. This may also help to reduce swelling.

After 48 hours of RICE therapy, stop compression and try moving the injured area. If, after this time, your symptoms are worse, seek advice from your GP.

RICE therapy can be useful for any sports injury, but some injuries may require additional treatment.

Pain relief

Painkillers can be used along with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to help ease the pain caused by sprains and fractures and help reduce any swelling.


Immobilization is a treatment that helps prevent further damage by reducing movement. A sling or cast or splint can be used to immobilize the affected area.

Corticosteroid injection

If you have severe or persistent inflammation, a corticosteroid injection may be recommended. As well as reducing inflammation, it will help prevent long-term muscle and ligament damage.


Physiotherapy involves using massage, manipulation and special exercises to improve the range of motion and return the function of injured areas to normal.


Massage may be an effective method of speeding up the recovery process but it is not recommended if you have a serious soft-tissue injury, as it could make the injury worse.

Heat treatment and ultrasound therapy

Using heat therapy (heat pads or lamps) and ultrasound therapy (high-energy sound waves) may work in a similar way to massage by stimulating blood flow to the affected body part.


Most sports injuries do not require surgery. However, very severe injuries, such as a torn ligament or badly broken bones, may require corrective surgery.


Rehabilitation is an important part of treating sports injuries. A rehabilitation programme aims to return the injured body part to normal function by gradually introducing it to movement and exercise.

With most sports injuries, it helps to move the injured part as soon as possible to help speed up the healing process. Gentle exercises should help improve the area’s range of motion. As movement becomes easier and the pain decreases, stretching and strengthening exercises can be introduced.

During the rehabilitation process, you should not attempt to do too much too quickly. Start by doing frequent repetitions of a few simple exercises before gradually increasing the amount that you do. Avoid painful activities and do not return to your sport until you have no pain, and full strength and flexibility have returned to the injured area.

Want to know more? Go to http://www.medicineinanswers.com/sports-injury-recovery/

How Often Can You Donate Blood?

Blood are fluids in the body that contains white and red blood cells, platelets, proteins, and other elements. The blood is transported throughout the body by the circulatory system.

A blood donation occurs when a person voluntarily has blood drawn and used for transfusions or made into biopharmaceutical medications by a process called fractionation. Think carefully before deciding.

Blood Donation Principles – how often can you donate it

  • Whole Blood – involves collecting 3 blood components (red cells, plasma and platelets). Donations can be done every 12 weeks.
  • Platelets – involves donating a concentrated collection of platelets only through a process called apheresis. Donations can be done every 2-4 weeks as platelets are replaced within a few days of donation.
  • Plasma – involves donating a concentrated collection of plasma only through a process called apheresis. Donations can be done every 2 weeks as your red cells are returned to you when you donate.
  • Double Red Cells -take approximately 30 minutes longer than a whole blood donation and allow you to give two units of red cells. Donations can be done every 112 days or up to 3 times every year.
  • Autologous Blood Donation – is the process of donating one’s own blood prior to an elective surgical or medical procedure to avoid or reduce the need for an allogeneic blood transfusion. Donations can be scheduled at intervals of 3 to 4 days.

Vitamin E Deficiency Diseases – Do You Know Them?

What is Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is the collective name for a group of fat-soluble compounds with distinctive antioxidant activities. It is an antioxidant that protects body tissue from damage caused by substances called free radicals. It’s crucial to know the natural sources of vit E.

Dietary Source of vitamin E

The best way to get the daily requirement of vitamin E is by eating food sources. It is found in the following foods:

  • Vegetable oils (such as wheat germ, sunflower, safflower, corn, and soybean oils)
  • Nuts (such as almonds, peanuts, and hazelnuts/filberts)
  • Seeds (such as sunflower seeds)
  • Green leafy vegetables (such as spinach and broccoli)
  • Fortified breakfast cereals, fruit juices, margarine, and spreads. Fortified means that vitamins have been added to the food. Check the Nutrition Fact Panel on the food label.

Recommended Daily Intake

The Food and Nutrition Board at the Institute of Medicine Recommended Intakes for Individuals for vitamin E:


  • 0 to 6 months: 4 mg/day
  • 7 to 12 months: 5 mg/day


  • 1 to 3 years: 6 mg/day
  • 4 to 8 years: 7 mg/day
  • 9 to 13 years: 11 mg/day

Adolescents and Adults

  • 14 and older: 15 mg/day

Vitamin E Deficiency Diseases

  • Abetalipoproteinemia – is a rare autosomal recessive disorder that interferes with the normal absorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins from food.
  • Cystic fibrosis – is a disease passed down through families that causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs, digestive tract, and other areas of the body.
  • Cholestatic liver disease – occurs due to physical blockage of bile flow and the bile does not reach the intestine. This leads to jaundice and is associated with itching and passage of clay colored stools.

Indications for treatment with Vitamin E

The above three conditions are known indications for treatment. The dosage is as follows:

  • Abetalipoproteinaemia: 50-100 mg/kg/day in adults and children
  • Cystic fibrosis: 100-200 mg/day
  • Chronic cholestasis: 150-200 mg/kg/day

Amputation In Diabetic Foot – How To Prevent It?

Diabetes is a serious disease that can develop from lack of insulin production in the body or due to the inability of the body’s insulin to perform its normal daily functions. When diabetes is not well controlled, damage to the organs and impairment of the immune system. Foot problems commonly develop in people with diabetes and can quickly become serious and may lead to amputation. Read the article to learn more about prevention.

Amputation In Diabetic Foot

How To Prevent Amputation?

  • Always keep your feet warm. Don’t get your feet wet in snow or rain.
  • Inspect feet daily for cuts, blisters and scars.
  • Don’t put your feet on radiators or in front of the fireplace.
  • Don’t smoke or sit cross-legged. Both decrease blood supply to your feet.
  • Don’t soak your feet.
  • Don’t use antiseptic solutions, drugstore medications, heating pads or sharp instruments on your feet.
  • Trim your toenails straight across. Avoid cutting the corners.
  • Use quality lotion to keep the skin of your feet soft and moist, but don’t put any lotion between your toes.
  • Wash your feet every day with mild soap and warm water.
  • Wear loose socks to bed.
  • Wear warm socks and shoes in winter.
  • When drying your feet, pat each foot with a towel and be careful between your toes.
  •  Avoid pointed-toe styles and high heels.
  • Don’t lace your shoes too tightly or loosely.
  • Wear clean, dry socks every day and avoid socks with holes or wrinkles.
  • Avoid stockings with elastic tops.

Article based on: http://www.medicineinanswers.com/amputation-in-diabetic-foot/

Chronic Diarrhea – What Are The Possible Causes?

Diarrhea comes from the Greek word “diarrhoia” which means flowing through. Diarrhea is a condition that involves frequent passing through of loose watery stools. When does it become chronic? Diarrhea becomes chronic when it is long term. People with diarrhea often manifest fever, stomachache or abdominal cramps.

What are The Causes?

The most common cause of diarrhea is virus that infects the gut that usually last for 2 days. Other causes include:

  • Infection by bacteria and other organisms
  • Food allergy
  • Radiation therapy
  • Medications
  • Eating foods that upsets the digestive system
  • Alcohol and laxative abuse
  • Malabsorption

Types of Diarrhea

  • Osmotic Diarrhea means that something in the bowel is drawing water from the body into the bowel. It occurs due to osmotic effect of non- absorbable content in the intestine. The causes include osmotic laxatives and lactose intolerance in adults.
  • Secretory diarrhea – occurs when the body is releasing water into the bowel when it’s not supposed to. The causes include infections, drugs and other conditions.
  • Exudative diarrhea- refers to the presence of blood and pus in the stool. This occurs with inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, and several infections.
  • Motility-related diarrhea–  is caused by the rapid movement of food through the intestines which are seen in conditions like hyperthyroidism and carcinoid syndrome.
  • Inflammatory Diarrhea– occurs when there is damage to the mucosal lining or brush border, which leads to a passive loss of protein-rich fluids and a decreased ability to absorb these lost fluids.

Read more on: http://www.medicineinanswers.com/chronic-diarrhea-causes/

Ill Effects Of Smoking

In thousand studies done it is proven there are harmful ill effects of smoking that killed several and even thousands of people every year. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body. There are as many as 4000 chemicals present in a cigarette. Included in the list are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, metals, cyanide, ammonia and other radio active compounds. In United States, more than 400,00 of premature deaths annually are due to cigarette smoking.

What Are The Ill Effects Of Smoking?

Cardiovascular System:

  • aortic aneurysm– swelling of the aorta to 1.5 time s than the normal.
  • atherosclerosis– a condition in which an artery wall thickens as a result of the accumulation of fatty materials.
  • Myocardial infraction– commonly known as a heart attack, results from the partial interruption of blood supply to a part of the heart muscle, causing the heart cells to be damaged or die.
  • stroke– is the rapid loss of brain function due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain
  • hypertension– is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated
  • gangrene– is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that arises when a considerable mass of body tissue dies.


  • Lung Cancer– is a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung.
  • Bladder Cancer– is any of several types of malignancy arising from the epithelial lining of the urinary bladder.
  • Pancreatic Cancer- is a malignant neoplasm originating from transformed cells arising in tissues forming the pancreas.
  • Esophageal Cancer– is malignancy of the esophagus.
  • Kidney Cancer– is a type of cancer that starts in the cells in the kidney.
  • Stomach Cancer– refers to cancer arising from any part of the stomach.
  • Colon Cancer– is a cancer from uncontrolled cell growth in the colon or rectum or in the appendix.
  • Acute Myelogenous Leukemia–  is a cancer of the myeloid line of blood cells.
  • Ovarian Cancer– is a cancerous growth arising from the ovary.
  • Cervical Cancer– is a malignant neoplasm arising from cells originating in the cervix uteri.
  • Skin Cancer– are named after the type of skin cell from which they arise.

Quitting smoking can reduce your risk of these problems. The earlier you quit, the greater the health benefits.

Read more on: http://www.medicineinanswers.com/ill-effects-of-smoking/

Chronic Bronchitis And Its Causes

What is Bronchitis?

Bronchitis is the inflammation/ irritation of the airways in the lungs. When the airways/ bronchial tube are irritated, thick mucus form in them that plugs the airway that makes it hard for the air to get into the lungs. When does it becomes chronic? It becomes chronic when the condition last for a long time.

What Is Chronic Bronchitis?

Chronic Bronchitis is a chronic inflammation of the bronchi in the lungs. The manifestation include production of persistent cough and sputum that occurs at least 3 consecutive months for at least 2 successive years.

What are the causes?

The most common cause it tobacco smoking which is responsible of the 90% cases.

What Are The Manifestations?

It is indicated by productive cough which means cough that produces sputum, shortness of breath and wheezing. Mucus is often green or yellowish in color. Chest pain, fatigue or malaise may also occur.

Article based on: http://www.medicineinanswers.com/what-causes-chronic-bronchitis/

Benefits Of Fruits and Vegetables- Are They Equally Healthy?

Do you know the difference between fruits and vegetables? A fruit is a part of a plant that develops from a flower and is also the section of a plant that contains the seed. On the other hand, vegetables are the edible portion of a plant that grows in stems, leaves and roots.


There are different types of fruits and each of them provides different types of nutrients. Here are some good examples:

  • Citrus fruits are good source of vitamin C and antioxidant which protects our body from infection by improving our defense mechanism. Sources of citrus fruits are orange, lime and lemon.
  • Tomatoes are rich source of lycopene which reduces the risk of certain cancer.
  • Apples are rich in fiber that helps in body detoxification process.
  • Pomegranates contain antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties that help in skin care issues.
  • Bananas are good source of potassium which plays an important role in regular muscle contraction.

The average person is recommended to consume at least 2 cups of fruits daily.


Vegetables are one of the best sources of vitamins, minerals and disease-fighting phytochemicals you can find. The nutrients in vegetables are vital for health and body maintenance.  Here are some benefits of vegetables to us:

  • Green leafy vegetables are rich source of essential minerals and vitamins that help to detoxify our body.
  • Yellow and red vegetables are rich in flavonoids that reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, asthma, and stroke.
  • Good source of protein which is much lower in saturated fat and cholesterol.

The average person should consume about 3-5 servings of vegetables daily.


Although fruits and vegetables contain high sources of healthy components, it is still recommended to have a full balance diet to complete our daily body requirement needs.

Read more on: http://www.medicineinanswers.com/benefits-of-fruits-and-vegetables/